ISSN 2632-3877 (Online)
Research Spotlight: Social justice and empowerment of undergraduates from predominantly disadvantaged backgrounds – with reference to the APP (Access & Participation Plan)
Jayne Hemmins, Senior Lecturer in Textiles & Surface Design at The Northern School of Art, 2023
This presentation introduces my doctoral research, investigating the development and impact of action based, democratic, participatory research upon undergraduate art and design students who have been educated within English state schools within the 21st century.
Neo-liberalised education systems are identified as a factor in creating undergraduates who may find creative and critical thinking challenging, and the research will consider ways to disrupt this system and offer creative possibilities to empower the undergraduates involved. I situate myself within an interpretive, participatory paradigm and embed the research and methods within qualitative methodologies. Positionality within the research, and ethical considerations offer questions about the researcher and neutrality when involved in participatory and insider research.
The research (going forward) will explore participatory action research as a democratic, open, embodied approach and will suggest creative, art-based methods and responses as ways to develop curiosity, skill and confidence in the co-researchers.