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Reconsidering Walter Benjamin's Aura in Relation to 'A Short History of Photography', 1931 
Fi McClurg, BA (Hons) Photographic Practice, Level 6 



​Fi McClurg's article 'Reconsidering Walter Benjamin's Aura in relation to 'A Short History of Photography', 1931. Inn this article, Fi posits the notion that a reconsideration of Benjamin's aura within a contemporary contextual framework, does not seek to chronicle the literal development of the photographic medium but rather charts the consequences of the development of photography on the concept of art and photography's position in the art world. 





PAD (Perspective in Art & Design) is The Northern School of Art’s scholarly activity and research journal; a place for the publication of staff and student academic investigation. Covering issues as diverse as written and practice based research, PAD aims to bring to the fore new ideas, new approaches to existing debates, interpretations on written and visual practice, debates in art and design history, and issues of creative pedagogy. Our goal is to allow scholarly activity to be delivered through equality, where there is no hierarchy between the academic and the student, those with a record of publication, and those who will be shown here for the first time.

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